
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Health Policy Update #4

Going on 5 years into a pandemic, Eutopia Rising continues to hold high standards for how we keep each other safe. We seek to balance social, emotional and physical need with input, disability awareness and medical understanding in an evolving set of practices to minimize harm. We hosted virtual events throughout 2020 and 2021 as long as we had capacity, and very carefully resumed in-person events in October 2021. We now regularly hold both Solar and Lunar events (See our Rules and Etiquette page for an explanation).

Here’s what we are doing:


Coronavirus Update #3

Going on 30 months into a pandemic, Eutopia Rising continues to hold high standards for how we keep each other safe. We seek to balance social, emotional and physical need with input, disability awareness and medical understanding in an evolving set of practices to minimize harm. We hosted virtual events throughout 2020 and 2021 as long as we had capacity, and very carefully resumed in-person events in October 2021.

Here’s what we are doing:

  • Solar events are held outdoors when possible, and when held indoors are well-ventilated, masks and distancing expected.
  • Attending Lunar events like Never Surrender requires full vaccination for COVID-19 as defined by the CDC, but our requirements exceed those currently recommended by the agency. Voyagers must test negative on a rapid antigen test in the 24 hours prior to the event, must feel well without cough, runny nose, fatigue, body ache, fever, etc., and have no recent exposures to anyone with a confirmed positive test. All attendees must arrive masked, and anyone who arrives without submitting a current test result through our secure form will be asked to take a test and remain outside until the results are negative.
  • Due to limited availability of Monkeypox vaccines, we do not yet require vaccination to attend. However, we do ask that nobody attend Lunar events with symptoms such as rash, lesions, fatigue, body aches, swollen lymph nodes, or fever. We take additional hygiene precautions with skin and fluid contact in mind.
  • We offer full refunds on event tickets in the case of a positive result on a rapid antigen test, potential exposure to anyone with a confirmed positive test result, development of concerning symptoms, or any other reason that a voyager believes they should stay home for their own safety or that of our community. Please contact us at to request a refund on your event ticket.
  • A key element of keeping each other safe is open and honest communication around health and risk factors. We discuss and model how to have these conversations in a positive, non-judgemental way during our events, and we strongly encourage voyagers to be proactive about their concerns. Safety monitors and event staff will be introduced at the beginning of each event. We also reach out to all event attendees afterwards for feedback and remind them to contact us if they test positive after one of our events. For any concerns before or after our events, we can be reached at
  • If you would like to stay connected to what we currently have going on, we encourage you to join us on the Eutopia Rising Community Discord. This is a great way to check out our community, even if you’re not yet ready to become a voyager. Anyone may join who can follow the code of conduct, and it has been a transformative space for connecting and supporting each other.
  • If you would like to support the continued work of our brave crew of voluntqueers, please consider contributing to our Patreon.

We will survive and thrive, and we are going to do it together.


Coronavirus Update #2

These are scary times, friends. But it is in times like these that we most need to find ways to connect, we most need to find joy amid fear, we most need to remind ourselves that even separated by distance, we are united by love.

Here’s how we are going to be adapting to the current crisis here at Eutopia Rising:

  • Until further notice, we are cancelling or postponing all in-person workshops, parties, and other events. This will last at least through the end of March, at which point we will evaluate the situation and make another choice moving forward.
  • Eutopia Rising’s full focus as a collective is now on uniting community through online channels and mobilizing mutual aid through this crisis. The only event we are still planning for right now is the Shared Horizon Virtual Variety Show.
  • Horizon will primarily be used as a dropoff/rally point for transport of necessary supplies, and as the studio headquarters for our live streaming events, pending the current city guidance on travel and movement.
  • If you would like to stay connected to what we currently have going on, we encourage you to join us on the Eutopia Rising Community Discord. We are gathering there to share support and cute pics of ourselves and to plan our next moves.
  • If you would like to support the continued work of our brave crew of voluntqueers, please consider contributing to our Patreon campaign.

We will survive this scary time, and we are going to do it together.

With love,


Coronavirus Update

Hello friends and lovers ?

I imagine many of you have been as anxious as we’ve been over the past few days, likely unsure how best to stay safe and to keep your community safe under the threat of viral infection. We’ve been talking a lot about what the responsible thing to do is under the circumstances. Here’s what we’ve decided as of now:

We will not be hosting the Great Brooklyn Boink Off this weekend as previously planned. Instead, we’ll be hosting an event that you can be a part of while staying safely at home — more on that below.

We need to place the safety of our community first, and it’s becoming increasingly apparent that it would be irresponsible for us to run the event as originally intended. It is our hope that we can reschedule the Boink Off for a later date, as soon as it seems reasonably safe to do so. It’s too soon right now to guess when that will be, so we’ll make that determination in the weeks and perhaps months ahead as more information comes in.

As previously announced, anyone who wants one can get a full refund, no questions asked. However, if you are willing to hold onto your tickets for now while we consider how to move forward, we’d very much appreciate your support in a difficult and uncertain time.
We will be dealing with how to handle our future events in the days ahead, so expect to hear more from us in that regard.

While “social distancing” is the right choice right now to protect each other and our community at large, we also feel that maintaining social closeness, in whatever form that takes, is a vital part of our mission. Even if you all have to stay home this weekend, we still want to stay connected with you. This crisis is going to be isolating and scary for all of us, so we need to find ways we can lean on each other and thrive through it.

This Saturday, in lieu of an in-person sexy party, we will be hosting a virtual event that we’d like you all to be a part of. We are hoping to set up our gingham stage as planned here at Horizon, and put on a series of performances and events that we’ll live stream for all of our friends stuck at home in quarantine. We’ll be sharing more details on that soon, but it will be free to join. If you’d like to be a part of that — if you have a kink demo or a performance that you’d like to share over video, hit us up! I know for a lot of us, the lure of getting up on stage and showing off is a lot of the appeal of this weekend’s planned fun, so if there’s a good way that we can still do some of that without putting people at risk, we have to try.

As many of us were also looking forward to baking some treats to share with everyone, we are currently organizing a travelling Cookie Crew who will be making their way across the city by car on Saturday afternoon, dropping off baked goods in person. Our masked crewmembers will bring goodies right to your door in exchange for a small donation to keep us going. They’ll also have a supply of masks and hand sanitizer for those who need them. Pop into the live stream and let us know where you are, and we’ll put you on the list of folk they visit.

Thank you as always, for continuing to be a part of this beautiful little community. We cannot know where the future will take us, but we aim to go there together.

With love,